.2017_18_ / 4K video Los Desposeídos
(The Dispossessed)
/ colour / sound / 23:34 min
Moving images, the human flow barely contained by vain walls that persist in time, nomadism as the advent of the near future, migration as a universal condition; a laundry as the starting point for a meditation on memory, inequity, history, the impossibility of knowing the other; past times and future times barely remembered or glimpsed. A collection of memories? A reflection on those who have nothing? A science fiction story? A black egg hatched in the bowels of the earth. Through an eclectic association of historical, personal, fictitious and invented references, Campos's work for Juntos Aparte; Los Desposeídos opens a navigable space for the viewer to roam freely and participate in the construction and resignification of the images and texts that make up the video, ranging from the incessant movement of people on the border of Cúcuta, the wall in Tijuana, airports, and ruins, to alien landscapes, fragmented memories, travel logs, messages to the future, and accounts of a post-human intelligence in a future where nothing remains, where the only ones left are the abandoned, the subjugated, the forgoen, the dispossessed.

Commissioned by Luis Miguel Brahim for BIENALSUR (International Biennial of Contemporary Art of South America), 2017